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Sweet Rewards

Earn points and turn them into Sweet Rewards

  1. 01

    Join the Club

    Unlock exclusive benefits by becoming a member. Sign up now to kickstart your journey with our loyalty program.

  2. 02

    Points Galore

    Accumulate points effortlessly! Earn by signing up and every time you make a purchase. Your loyalty deserves to be rewarded.

  3. 03

    Treat Yourself

    Your points, your rewards! Redeem your hard-earned points for exciting discounts and exclusive perks. It's time to enjoy the fruits of your loyalty.

Program tiers

Reach new tiers as you earn more points.

  1. Bronze Tier (0-999 points)

    0 total earned points required

    Earn 10 points for every $1 spent

    Points Galore

    • Buy more & Earn points!

      Get 10 points for every A$1 spent

  2. Silver (1000-2499 points)

    1,000 total earned points required

    5% discount on all products*

    Points Galore

    • Buy more & Earn points!

      Get 10 points for every A$1 spent

    Treat Yourself

    • 5% OFF Rewards

      1,000 Points = 5% off orders over A$50

  3. Gold (2500-4999 points)

    2,500 total earned points required

    10% discount on all products*

    Points Galore

    • Buy more & Earn points!

      Get 15 points for every A$1 spent

    Treat Yourself

    • 10% OFF Reward

      2,500 Points = 10% off orders over A$100

  4. Platinum (5000+ points)

    5,000 total earned points required

    15% discount on all products*

    Points Galore

    • Buy more & Earn points!

      Get 20 points for every A$1 spent

    Treat Yourself

    • 15% OFF Reward

      5,000 Points = 15% off orders over A$100

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