Sweet Rewards
Earn points and turn them into Sweet Rewards
Join the Club
Unlock exclusive benefits by becoming a member. Sign up now to kickstart your journey with our loyalty program.
Points Galore
Accumulate points effortlessly! Earn by signing up and every time you make a purchase. Your loyalty deserves to be rewarded.
Treat Yourself
Your points, your rewards! Redeem your hard-earned points for exciting discounts and exclusive perks. It's time to enjoy the fruits of your loyalty.
Program tiers
Reach new tiers as you earn more points.
Bronze Tier (0-999 points)
0 total earned points required
Earn 10 points for every $1 spent
Points Galore
Buy more & Earn points!
Get 10 points for every A$1 spent
Silver (1000-2499 points)
1,000 total earned points required
5% discount on all products*
Points Galore
Buy more & Earn points!
Get 10 points for every A$1 spent
Treat Yourself
5% OFF Rewards
1,000 Points = 5% off orders over A$50
Gold (2500-4999 points)
2,500 total earned points required
10% discount on all products*
Points Galore
Buy more & Earn points!
Get 15 points for every A$1 spent
Treat Yourself
10% OFF Reward
2,500 Points = 10% off orders over A$100
Platinum (5000+ points)
5,000 total earned points required
15% discount on all products*
Points Galore
Buy more & Earn points!
Get 20 points for every A$1 spent
Treat Yourself
15% OFF Reward
5,000 Points = 15% off orders over A$100